Malware – Skynet

January 28th, 2020

Maybe I have visitor.
It is a Trojan named SKYNET.
I think i got it from here. A MP4 joiner with a crack. But I can not prove it.
I have used Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware. It deleted 2 kinds of SKYNETxxxx trojans and said that I have no more maleware.
I have also done a virusscan (ZoneAlarm) But I have read that this trojan is a master to hide and it can take over your PC in the end.
So my question is.

Answer #1
I waould say stop worying as malwarebytes is as good as they get but the only way to be 100% sure its gone is format all drives and reinstall your os which of course deletes everything on the pc dont think you want to do that though ?
Answer #2
I suggest calling John Connor.
Answer #3
A fried told me to use Trend Micro� HouseCal or Kaspersky Online Virus Scanner.
I will do that.
Answer #4
I suggest calling John Connor.
Love it. Malwarebytes more than likely got rid of it if nothing else is picking it up. May as well go old skool and scan with Spybot S&D and if that don’t pick nothing up don’t worry

Answer #5
i have this virus too , downloaded it of this website . malwarebytes dosnt find it but kaspersky does and cant do anything about it
just removed it with avast home edition , try that
Answer #6
Try a scan with some other antispywares like superantispyware,trojan remover to be on the safe side
Answer #7
Trojan Remover 6.7.9 seems to have found it and hopefully will take care of it
Answer #8
I have a similar message that keeps coming up:
What do I do?
Please remember that ALL links must be coded, including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords, and internal links. Coded for you this time.

Answer #9
you seem to have got rid of it mate
but do a scan with SUPERantispyware pro
if you have windows 7 dont install super antispyware.


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