MagellanicNazismNorthampton ButtrickHermannLacerta Mannfred

August 29th, 2013

MagellanicNazismNorthampton ButtrickHermannLacerta MannfredHolland Patrice Millan Trojan or such

The patch file is:
or such:  3.01 M

Has anybody seen this? I installed CuteFTP recently (a while back actually and am searching for info) and this program tried to phone home. The reason I’m posting this is that I’ve seen it before when using other patches. I’ve searched the internet but have come up with butkus, and I’ve never seen anyone else mention it.
So has anybody else seen this?
I’ve downloaded it from various sources but I don’t have the exact links.
ESET 5.0.95 is giving me this application trying to run (and I could be incorrect, but I think I remember v4 giving me this also).
I wish I could go through download logs but it seems to me that IDM doesn’t keep a record, and that’s what I use.

Answer #1
Looks like an Infostealer to me.
The site it tries connecting to:
If you still have the file, try uploading it to VirusTotal, or Anubis.


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