Looking for info about ereaders or recomendations.

September 3rd, 2013

So I am interested in getting a ereader like kindle or something but I don’t know much about them. I don’t need a tablet like the ipad or anything just something to enjoy books with. But I have no idea what a good ereader is or if there are any that don’t let me transfer the books I dl from here to them. I also heard that ebooks don’t have lcd like tablets because the lcd can make the eyes tired.
I am looking for one that is between 50-100$. I know the kindle was 79$. Thanks for taking the time to read this, I just want to give a good gift for chrismas.

Answer #1
Kindle is the best for small, and ipad is best for text books that need larger screen.
Although the kindle is not quite like reading a book, it is comfortable on your eye, and is as close, and these things are getting better.
the ipad is as good as lcd screen gets in terms of reading, and short reading amounts are ok. Also when changing pages it goes all fussy, i have to look away when turning page with ipad. But actually reading a page on ipad is good, and magazines are excellent on it.
Answer #2
Kindle is the best for your budget as the display screen is Black and White and won’t damage your eyes from long hours of reading
Answer #3
My girlfriend was in the exact same position. She hated the idea of another bright computer-like screen and finally opted for the new Kindle Touch with WiFi.
She likes the screen, the lightness, and the fact that there aren’t a lot of buttons cluttering up the device. Also, we thought about the 3G (because Amazon gives free 3G Internet), but ultimately decided it wasn’t necessary since the only time she would need to connect to the Internet is to download a new book or newspaper, etc.
Hope that helps and good luck. It sounds like someone is going to get a great gift. In the meantime, if you have any specific questions about the device we got, please feel free to send me a message. Happy to help however I can.
Answer #4
Thanks for your guys’ help, i was leaning towards kindle to.


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