Looking for good Russian music

August 5th, 2016

Hi guys! (Specially Russian guys )
Im looking for some Russian good/popular music of almost any kind except for Rock/metal. But I would really appriciate it if you could suggest Russian trance music.But any kind would be great =]
If you could show some z-bb topic would be awsome!
I have been to Russia recently and I am fascinated by the people and their culture =] I wanna getinto their culture. I am also looking for good Russian movies :p
Thanks in advace

Answer #1
Kachiusa (Катюша) is one of the best Russian songs of all time.
Answer #2
Thank you very much.I will check that out
Any bands/singers that you know of?
Answer #3
the newer ones are pretty good, ruki w werh or ivanushki are pore of a pop techno bands
Answer #4
You may want to browse this site…
http://~ Disallowed ~.cc/music/Languages/Russian
http://~ Disallowed ~.cc/video/language/v_russian
Answer #5
You may want to browse this site…
http://~ Disallowed ~.cc/music/Languages/Russian
http://~ Disallowed ~.cc/video/language/v_russian
Answer #6
“any kind would be great =” rimsky korsakov scheherazade


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