Looking for a good Macro program

September 26th, 2013

Looking to record mouse clicks or button presses for a game, for example if I bind it to a key and pres it it would execute left click 4 times then hold left click after the 4th time for a moment before releasing.
I have tried some programs but some either don’t record the button hold at the end or the timing is off with no way to correct it. I usually use AutoHotKey but I’m not sure what the set up would be for a combo like that.

Answer #1
Hmm no one?
Answer #2
Well, you can use autoit, and then use one of the autoit auto-configuration au3s ro record key and mouse..
Or you can write your own key/mouse input/move/clicks, if you know where the mouse moves to.
Answer #3
I use AutoHotKey for all my macros. Check the following for some info on controlling the mouse:


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