Lawyers Webpage,

January 22nd, 2020

I need to design a webpage similar to this
I can make the design for sure, but the problem is making the forms such as the instant quoatations
How would i go about designing/Coding this?
I lack extreme skill, so some help would be HIGHL appreciated :]
Thanks guys
Comments:LINK/S have been CODED. Please remember to use the CODE FUNCTION
Texas Homie�

Answer #1
Try to get a website copier from the following post.
I hope this helps you, just change the source when your done to what you want.
Answer #2
I will try, thanks :]
any other ideas?
Answer #3
it didn’t help me with the codes too much :\
anyone else have any javascripting/php or whatever the coding is expereince?
A little bit of help?


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