Laptop Suggestions

August 5th, 2016

I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for. I actually liked the Apple laptops with the clickable trackpad, but I’m not a fan of the operating system. I’m not a gamer or anything. I would just like the convenience of a portable computer. Regardless of the Operating system I plan to replace it with a Lite version of XP.
Any suggestions?

Answer #1
i think a loptop with petium4 processor or equivalent, a 512 memory and 80gb HardDisk would fit your needs. the brand is up to you.
Answer #2
I have a MacBook myself (the older black one) and I was skeptical at first. Within using it for a day or two, I fell in love with it. I’ve used the Windows OS for about 10 years and I adapted to OS X very quickly. It has yet to fail me and it’s quick and reliable. The beauty of the OS X OS is the fact that you can basically have any OS on it. Right now, I’ve got Vista, XP, and OS X installed. Not only that, I can run them all at the same time, run them fast, and be able to switch between them in milliseconds. If I could afford the new MacBooks, I’d get one in a heartbeat. The OS may seem unappealing at first, but give it some time and you’ll find it’s actually more efficient and fun. I use my Mac for basically everything, playing WoW, digital image editing, movie creation, web design, streaming videos, music, and other stuff to my Xbox, and everything else you can think of. I highly recommend it.
Answer #3
If I were you I’d buy a used one for a couple hundred bucks.
Answer #4
I know for a fact the toshiba satallite searies has a clickable trackpad. If you do not have any media needs (gaming, movies, audio, etc.) and just need a simple web browsing and work/homework thing than 512mb ram and 80gb hard drive is perfect as stated before
Answer #5
cant u buy a second hand one mate? if u dont need the latest os or good specs just buy one for like a couple of 100$
shoudnt be that hard to find
and id go with asus or Hp bt not dell as they are to delicate and sony is awesome but its expensive. cheers
Answer #6
just go to walmart and ask them what you can get with x amount of dollars lol…


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