Keyboard not responding (topic closed)

August 2nd, 2013

Im having the same keyboard for nine years now. Dont know what manufacterer it just says turbo spero on the uper right corner next to the num pad.
The problem: Sometimes the keyboard wont respond at all and i need to wait for a min or less so it can start respondig normaly and somethimes just some keys wont respond (totaly random keys) but always in combination with other keys. Im having this problem in an interval of about 2 to 3 days.
I notices this ofcourse when writing somethig in notepad but not wile gaming.
I made another post where my pc restarts randomly in intervals of 4 times per day and somethimes nothing hapens in two months. But im prety sure that these two problems are not conected.

Answer #1
PS2/USB/Bluetooth, or wireless keyboard ?
At least give us a clue.
Answer #2
I know this is not the answer you want but if you ask my opinion, the easier way to solve that is get a new keyboard… A new one is so cheap that is the best solution really. Plus you can get to choose a keyboard with a proper brand
I think the two problems are not connected. Check your temperature in CPU and GPU. That is probably the problem why it reboot…
Answer #3
the Meerkat replied: PS2/USB/Bluetooth, or wireless keyboard ?
At least give us a clue.

Answer #4
violetblood replied: I know this is not the answer you want but if you ask my opinion, the easier way to solve that is get a new keyboard... A new one is so cheap that is the best solution really. Plus you can get to choose a keyboard with a proper brand
I think the two problems are not connected. Check your temperature in CPU and GPU. That is probably the problem why it reboot...

A new keyboard is out of the option. Me and my keyboard went true so many things together .
Temperature are ok cpu (factory max 72C) my tep are idlle 30C,avg 40 and max 50C
And for the gpu (factory max 110C) my temp are idlle 30C, avg 45 and max 60C
Answer #5
CheCk Your Wire M@te !!!!!
Answer #6
Wires are ok
Answer #7
The_collective replied: But im prety sure that these two problems are not conected.
Funnily enough, both of these symptoms suggest a problematic / dying CPU… Check the CPU workload when your keyboard freezes.
Answer #8
As a matter of fact i have cheked it many times it was at 3% or soo, this hapens randomly when i write something.
You sad problematic cpu? Having no problems with it. It spikes only when i play GTA4 60% and BF3 80% dont remember my pc restarting while playing those intensive games.
When i think about it
I think all of my problems come from my Operating system. Thats my quess.
Answer #9
I would say either your keyboard is past it’s sell by date, or the PS2 connector on the mobo is dodgy.
Can you borrow a PS2 keyboard to try ?
Answer #10
the Meerkat replied: I would say either your keyboard is past it's sell by date, or the PS2 connector on the mobo is dodgy.
Can you borrow a PS2 keyboard to try ?

Hmmm I doubt that my frends will borow me their keyboard for 3 days to chek the results.
But il try to find one and post about it.


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