JungleFlasher wont run…

July 28th, 2013

Just repaired my RROD & ready to flash my samsung to LT+ 2.01…
To my surprise Jungleflasher will not open…No error message, just
nothing…I checked the task/mgr processes & it’s there…Tried to
“end process,” but it wouldn’t go away…My comp then slows down…
Anybody have this problem & was able to solve it?
I have xp 32bit, net framework 3.5 sp1….
And yes libusb0.dllb is in the same folder as Jungleflasher…
Any help is appreciated…Thanks

Answer #1
Go into ANY folder and go to tools->folder options->view and at the bottom disable “Simple File Sharing” or “Use sharing wizard” something along those lines. Now when you right click your read only folder you should have a security tab. You can try adding/editing the “Everyone” group permission to full access, this isn’t the safest thing to do but it will work. It might also be worth setting ownership to yourself if you haven’t got ownership of the folder. Then once that is done try unchecking the read only attribute and then press OK. Then go back into properties and check if its still read only, if not it should be fine.
Answer #2
Didn’t work…same result
Answer #3
Uninstalled .net framework 2.0, now it works…
Weird or what…


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