installing processor and coolingpaste

January 30th, 2020

Can someone give me some info about installing a Core 2 Quad Q6600 processor and heatsink.
In the box of the cpu cooler, is a small package of cooling paste (white color)……
i also got some artic silver 3 in a tube (silver color) 8 years old……
what can i use better and how much coolingpaste i need to use ?
ps.: i now how to install the processor and heatsink, got good description how to install it, but nothing says anything about the coolingpaste and how much to use…..
Can someone help me out ?

Answer #1
when using cooling paste you should put paste of the size of 1 rice seed(or how ya call it)
and if the as3 is still an liquid substance then i think you can use it
Answer #2
Doesn’t the heatsink already have paste on it? I have a q6600 and the stock and the modified one came with it on for me anyway.
Only a small layer, use a thin cloth to make sure it is even and too much is not good!!! I’d use the new stuff anyway.
Answer #3
when using cooling paste you should put paste of the size of 1 rice seed(or how ya call it)
and if the as3 is still an liquid substance then i think you can use it

Yes it is still liquid substance artic silver 3.
Doesn't the heatsink already have paste on it? I have a q6600 and the stock and the modified one came with it on for me anyway.
Only a small layer, use a thin cloth to make sure it is even and too much is not good!!! I'd use the new stuff anyway.

On the standard cpucooler what was with the Q6600 was cooling pasta right on it.
But i got a bigger cooler with it, scythe infinity 5 heatpipes cpu cooler.
With it came a small baggy with white cooling pasta.
On the infinity cooler is a big blue sticker but i don’t think under it is any coolingpaste, that’s why the small baggy is for i think.
But it’s about 10 rice seeds so i already thought that’s much to many.
So that’s why i ask this question.
So i gonna use artic silver 3 coolingpaste and use as much of 1 rice seed and spread it evenly on to the processor. ofcourse not with my fingers, someone said with a creditcard or something like it, carefully ofcours.


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