Installing a HDD sata with files on vista

January 25th, 2020

Can I install my second HDD with files on my Vista without losing them? I have Vista Ultimate 64bit and the HDD was first installed on Windows XP Professional (it was a illegal version).
Thanks in advance

Answer #1
If I understand what you’re asking, yes, you can have both Vista and XP dual-booting
Answer #2
No, I mean that the second HDD was installed on XP but my HDD with xp on my old computer crashed so I have this second HDD left with all my files. Because I have a new computer I have no files left but they’re all on that second HDD. So my question is, can I install that HDD without losing all my files?
Answer #3
if im correctly reading and interpret you question you could just run the second HDD in a SATA port >0 and it should boot into vista and you can access the other HDD.
Answer #4
do you mean where I have to connect it on the motherboard? It’s connected on the second port
Answer #5
to be clear i assume you want to run two HDDs one of them has you OS on it (vista) and the other one has your old files and a copy of XP on it correct?
Answer #6
so, the first one has vista and the second has only files, no XP or whatsoever (sorry that I’m somethimes unclear but I’m verry busy right now).
Answer #7
what exactly is your problem. you can install the HDD without loosing any files on vista as long as there is not some virus on the HDD which is unlikely
Answer #8
So I have to go to computer management (my vista is not in english so I have to translate) and than initialize the HDD and it’s done?
Answer #9
depends what your problem is. if the HDD is plug in correctly. then go into Computer Management>Disk Management and make sure the HDD has a drive letter assigned to it.
what language is you OS in?
Answer #10
my os language is in Dutch. I’m in Computermanagement and in Disk management but there’s no letter. It sais Disk 5, Unknown and not initialized
Answer #11
if you right click on the Drive can you see any ‘assign letter’ option?
Answer #12
no just initialize drive, options and help
Answer #13
i would give initialize drive a try. make sure you read the warnings, im not sure if this will clear all the data on the HDD.
‘# Once a drive is initialized the data on the drive will be erased.’
Answer #14
well i called the computerstore and they said that probably the files will be lost but he could try to make it into a external drive, copy the files and initialize the files.
Answer #15
yeah, i think the files will be deleted as well. but if he says he can do it i would give it a try
sorry i couldn’t get it working for you.
edit: after some more research im pretty sure if you initialize the drive it will delete the data.
Answer #16
well, thanks for the help!
Answer #17
well, thanks for the help!
no problem, keep me posted on the outcome. either by posting her or a PM


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