Indecypherable Captchas

January 30th, 2020

For the last few days I have found it impossible to download anything because the image that comes up from Safelinking does not appear to make any sense.
I have always been able to understand the phrase shown, but on Tues/Wed I would get one or two understandable english phrases, followed by masses of (to me) hieroglyphics. I’m normally able to make out one or two letters but that is all. Not even Captcha recognition sites are able to understand them.
Is anyone else having this problem?
For some reason, I can’t include an image link, but the image is here:
#3.10: All links must be coded including, but not limited to:

    E-mail addresses, passwords, IMDb links, Image Links, Links in Quotes, Homepage and information links and all internal links.

Link(s) coded. -
Answer #1
Welcome to the world of dumb ass image captchas. Its ridiculous.
That one says StaY segWG or some crap
Answer #2
Quite agree , it is ridiculous. Any idea on fixing the problem?
: Thanks for the fix. I listed it in the way I did as none of the buttons for the Message Body would work. I can’t seem to change my profile settings either, so I am currently going through my pc and checking for invasion. Something has changed somewhere.
Answer #3
Mate I dont sorry less refreshing till the earth freezes over or a captcha appears that you can actually read
Answer #4
which OS and which browser u guys using ?
Answer #5
I don’t know about the OP but I don’t have a problem. If I see stupid Captchas like the one shown I just leave. But if it helps I use FF mostly .


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