I torrented Mac Lion but how to install it…?

August 13th, 2013

I have Mac Lion torrented but I don’t know how to install it on my MacBook Pro. Would installing this make my MBP faster?
Answer #1
genki2 replied: I have Mac Lion torrented but I don't know how to install it on my MacBook Pro. Would installing this make my MBP faster?
Now Google tutorial
You have tons and tons of video tutorials online on HOW TO INSTALL OS X Lion!
Answer #2
What’s good about Lion that I should install it? I’m not sure if it’s worth the trouble yet.
Answer #3
genki2 replied: What's good about Lion that I should install it? I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble yet.
OS X Lion is awesome, but don’t bother trying to install it on PC machine… In most cases it fails…
Answer #4
could you describe how it’s awesome compared to leopard snow?
Answer #5
Answer #6
Wo_Ot? Have a heard of a hackintosh? Unibeast?
Answer #7
pspdoggy replied: Wo_Ot? Have a heard of a hackintosh? Unibeast?
Yap, OFC I heard… Why?
Answer #8
wo_Ot? replied: pspdoggy replied: Wo_Ot? Have a heard of a hackintosh? Unibeast?
Yap, OFC I heard... Why?

How can you say dont bother installing it on a pc ? Tonymacx86 has made it so easy with unibeast and multibeast and you can customize the installation excatly to your motherboard etc


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