How to track private number

July 28th, 2013

hi i got few private prank calls. i rang to phone company and they dont have technology to trace it. so can u help me to find out???
Answer #1
just dont answer imo.
Answer #2
no way possible, the phone company can trace it. but then won’t cus of that persons privacy. unless they are doing really offensive. the phone company wont track them
Answer #3
Might wanna try going to your local police station and see what they say about it if it’s really bothering you. They may help you figure out who the culprit is.
Answer #4
it is possible to block incoming private numbers but you have to call your phone company.
Answer #5
Contact Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson – Taken).
Answer #6
Contact Frank Rizzo of the Jerky Boys, he will be able to help.


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