How to torrent questions

August 11th, 2013

I don’t want to be a debbie downer, but links and file sharing are rapidly going down the drain. It seems like a lot of the things I try to download here simply aren’t available. Don’t get me wrong I’m going to use this site as much as possible but if the links aren’t here, I’ll search somewhere else.
What’s the best way to torrent? I have a demonoid account from years ago, but I don’t remember the programs I need in order to prevent getting caught. I remember hearing uTorrent is a good client to download the torrent, but what do I have to be running along with it so ISP doesn’t notice I’m uploading?
Also what are some helpful tips for torrenting? I haven’t done torrenting in a long time, so anything would be nice.
Thanks, in advance for the replies. This site will continue to stay great.
TL;DR: suggest necessary torrenting programs.

Answer #1
I don’t that think they will try to catch you ever, unless you throw a major privacy/monetary/security issue.
Choose a good VPN service if you want to encrypt your data packets for your safety concern.
Answer #2
Don’t ever use public trackers, always stick to private ones (Demonoid isn’t one). Getting a VPN keeps your ISP from knowing what you are downloading, but it isn’t ever 100% safe.
As for software, uTorrent is more than enough, just make sure you do use private trackers.
Answer #3
As everyone already stated. Heres a more in-depth explanation.
Answer #4
Thanks, I’m just worried because I was caught once 3 years ago at home (location 1). Last year roommate was caught at the apartment (location 2), so I don’t want to get caught at current apartment (location 3). I know at first it’s just a slap on the wrist, but eventually they might get serious, so I want to avoid that. I just want to decrease my odds of getting caught.
How do I find private trackers? Just get invites into ones through friends? Is PassThePopcorn a private tracker? Many people that I work with use that one but I’m not sure if I like the amount of rules and regulations that place has.
Answer #5
Most private trackers require excellent upload to download ratio’s. Be prepare to seed a lot or they will suspend or even ban your account, even if you get lucky enough to get an invite. One suggestion is to just simply not download as much, unless you absolutely have to. You won’t be able to download as much as you did a few years back. Best bet is to buy a VPN service, but depending on your ISP they will know who’s seeding a lot. I got fined $150.00 for seeding a particular torrent this year. Just depends on your internet service providers policy’s and how they handle pirates.


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