How silent is a MacBook Pro?

January 24th, 2020

I heard that the new Macbook Pro has no cooler in it. Is this true. So doesn’t it make a noise at all. And what about the hard disk. Is the HDD any silent.?
Answer #1
Having no cooler is a good reason NOT to buy one.
Answer #2
Could you explain why?
Answer #3
Laptops especially Macbook Pros with their higher end hardware will overheat like a ~ censored ~. Might not start at first but it’s inevitable. It’s bad enough with normal cooling as it is although Macs do have less problems than most notebooks in this matter.
Answer #4
I wouldn’t suggest to take answers with no experience on this question too seriously – because there are many people who just say “I hate apple” or “I hate windows” but don’t really admit they are so, besides; I really doubt a good selling product will have problems because it doesn’t have a cooler, there must be something here that we do not know of such as a different, unconventional cooling device, or the sheer specific use for this computer, which might not be an all-around computer. but then again – I don’t know much, just giving a heads up.
Answer #5
my friend’s one doesnt make much noise….but…he has the new ones so….
How old is the mac?


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