How safe is it to upload and share school ebooks?

August 6th, 2016

I have found a few of the books (that are really expensive) that I need for my classes at school in pdf formats, and I want to share them with other students who need the book. Mostly because I think the price they charge for these books is criminal. But I am also greedy and want an easy way to make some extra cash, so I was thinking about uploading them to something like mediafire and then trying to sell them on craigslist for like $10 via paypal or something.
I’m just really paranoid about getting arrested or something because I would imagine it would be pretty easy to sell a copy to a cop or something and then they can find me from my paypal e-mail. I thought about using something like bitcoins but I don’t think many people even know about bitcoins.
Also, my statistics teacher just sent us an e-mail saying if we want to sell out books to send him the details such as the edition, price, and an e-mail address, and he would forward that info to his next semester students. And I have that edition of the Stats book that they need so I am really tempted to send him my details and a really low price, but I don’t want him to know that it is ‘pirated’ and technically illegal, or rather I am really worried that he will feel obligated to notify the authorities and then I would get busted because I would e-mail him through my school e-mail account and they can easily find me.
Anyways, I was just wondering about peoples thoughts on doing this. If you think there is a high chance I would get caught and get in big or any legal trouble. I’ve seen people post on craigslist doing the exact same thing, offering ebook versions of textbooks for like $25, but I don’t know how they do it without getting in trouble. But I also don’t know if the authorities aware that school books are being pirated and sold on craigslist. But I have seen on T.V. shows where people get caught selling pirated P09X dvds.
What do you think? Should I try it or not? How do you think I could do this without being ‘traced’?
Or should I just be a true anti-establishment, anti-capitalist, anarchist and just post on craigslist giving the ebooks away? I’m literally saving these students 100s of dollars. These books sell for like $200 at the book store.
Sorry for the long post, I didn’t mean for it to get this long.

Answer #1
Upload anonymously, use TOR browser / VPN etc, on lots of hosts and spread the links on forums, don’t try to sell them. Share them with the mentality, the more the merrier. “Don’t make money with ” applies here too.
Answer #2
find a mule for distribution
Answer #3
"Don't make money with " applies here too.
That’s super-important.. nothing pisses off everyone – groups and the companies themselves – more than someone selling a pirated thing!
Answer #4
Upload anonymously, use TOR browser / VPN etc, on lots of hosts and spread the links on forums, don't try to sell them. Share them with the mentality, the more the merrier. "Don't make money with " applies here too.
as mentioned by use a good proxy service specially VPN is more secure,i wont use tor not that secure.
Answer #5
Why even do this? They will monitor all internal traffic tut tut upload at home and share for free.
Answer #6
I wouldn’t sell them myself. As for uploading them, there was a simalar story not to long ago about a teacher who uploaded a history book for his students, but he got caught (Story below)
A teacher received a huge shock last week after uploading a copy of a book to his website that offers free educational resources for students. The Latvian publisher behind the work, a $4.00 history book, complained to the authorities which resulted in the teacher being raided by the police. During interrogation the teacher learned that his mistake could cost him dearly � two years in jail, forced labor, or a fine.
Answer #7
I wouldn't sell them myself. As for uploading them, there was a simalar story not to long ago about a teacher who uploaded a history book for his students, but he got caught (Story below)
A teacher received a huge shock last week after uploading a copy of a book to his website that offers free educational resources for students. The Latvian publisher behind the work, a $4.00 history book, complained to the authorities which resulted in the teacher being raided by the police. During interrogation the teacher learned that his mistake could cost him dearly � two years in jail, forced labor, or a fine.
the teacher was also in Latvia, the lesson here is never put on your website, or any place that can be traced to you, and know what the possible penalties are, in many countries it’s just a civil infraction, unless you sell the .
Answer #8
upload to wbb, as they say, charity begins at home.


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