how many have tried installing windows 7 with virtual disc?

August 5th, 2016

So yeah… it seams everytime i tell people they can do this they dont really believe me. And im talking about installing fresh install over an old windows. (like windows 7 over xp.). . . . ANd those who dont get what im talking about. .. . check my sig and look. But back to the topic. Who has tried? Did it work? How did you do it? Didnt it work? Well How did you do it? I myself have done this 3 times problem free. , . . and cant see why people use USB or *External HDD when they have more than one HDD install in their computer. . . So what say you?
Answer #1
Hey ,
I think it is possible. As installing from a drive is the same as booting from a cd when you logged in on your pc (so not from bios)
I think the main reason to burn it, as for myself, you have a great backup of it and easily share with others. Also installing is easiar I think.
Answer #2
Hey ,
I think it is possible. As installing from a drive is the same as booting from a cd when you logged in on your pc (so not from bios)
I think the main reason to burn it, as for myself, you have a great backup of it and easily share with others. Also installing is easiar I think.

yeah sure i can follow you there. . . i have it burned too now. But at that time i only got my hands on one dvd to burn on and it failed. (install stopped at 95% 5 times.- i got smiling. ) hehe so i just tried this way. And worked. And what way is easiest? depends. I find this takes less time. But. . . When u have to start the install from the desktop you cant make any changes to the partitions. (thats about the only thing thats different). So yeah dvd has a bonus there. But id rather do this than moving windows files to a usb or a formatting a external HDD . That for me is just waste of time. But totaly. If you have the discs to spare deffenently burn it on a disc.


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