how do you make a keygenerator?

August 7th, 2016

I want to learn how to make keygenerators for certain programs i now you have to know some computer languages but wich ones?? and how do you start making one?
Answer #1
with a decompiler, reading what the software is looking for then write one yourself in vb
Answer #2
yes is correct. you have to use a decompiler and find the location in the program where it verifies the key. Its not too difficult but is hard to find tutorials for.
Answer #3
Assembly (ASM) is the language you’ll really need to know.
Answer #4
what kind of decompiler ?? java or visual basic decompiler or flash decompiler or a net file decompiler?
Answer #5
An ASM decompiler mate, more called a ‘disassembler’ (dissassembles the .exe code)
you use that to debug and find the key stuff, then code a generator up in any language (mostly C/C++)
need to learn ALOT, including base systems, ASM, good knowledge of C would go quite well too.
Answer #6
ok thanks ill keep this open if i have anymore questions


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