how can i sort forum topics?

February 3rd, 2020

how can i sort forum topics via, number ofreplies? views, dates?

Answer #1
Right under the Forum name is the post topic button and to see your number of replies,etc is just under the Title or to the left of the ad at the top of the screen.
Answer #2
i mean, i want o get the highest number of replies to least number of replies in threds.
like this: post a = 100 views
post b=79 views
post c= 12 views
Answer #3
how can we do that?
#3.5 Bumping is allowed provided that the reply has relevant information that is useful to the continuance of the topic. Short intervals of bumps are not allowed to bump the topic up onto the first page by the same person.
Allowed: A topic discusses a news event. The topic's discussion has died but there is new striking evidence to turn thoughts around. A reply with such information that is relevant and useful is allowed.
Allowed: Requests (Includes requests in helpdesk) may only be bumped once every 48 hours since the last reply.
Disallowed: Bumping topics continuously to get them up to the first few pages.
- NeonBox

Answer #4
you mean like this:
its set out like that already
Answer #5
He means he wants them in descending order i think
Answer #6
Unfortunately I don’t think you can do that… apparently it would put a lot of strain on the servers if the forums had those options.
Though you CAN do searches via date (do Sort by: Post time), though that’s default anyway.
Answer #7
Even the largest topics started off with 0 views and 0 replies. Don’t judge posts like that give the less popular ones a chance.


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