Hosts file

January 29th, 2020

high is there a new hosts file entry for the new server?
Answer #1
No need for the hosts file edit..It’s working fine without it..
Just remove any entries in your hosts file if you have any problems..
Answer #2
sweet, thanks
Answer #3
Site running really slow the new server will take time to propagate through the net,a host file may help
Answer #4
No need for the hosts file edit..It's working fine without it..
Just remove any entries in your hosts file if you have any problems..

Thanks for reminding me about hosts file … Been trying for hours to login ,but IE wud not connect … Then found cud get in with iPad , saw this post , # blocked the refs to Wbb , and now no probs … .? Wud it be worth put a ref on the Blog to the remove the lines from hosts ?
Tnx 4 all the sweat and tears to make the site changes.
Answer #5
Yes, as soon as I removed the line from the hosts file I was able to load the site. Will we ever need to add it back again or is this how it will work from now on without it?
Answer #6
The entry in the hosts file will direct you to the old server..Remove the entry and it’s all well..
No need for the hosts file entry as there is no DNS problems with the new server..
The forum being slow have no relation to the hosts file..
Answer #7
the hosts file is useful to those members that live in a country such as india, and others that attempt to block certain sites by DNS blocking. I’ve read many posts about members from certain countries having that problem, which the hosts file fixed..
Answer #8
Yes, all seems to be good with DNS servers..
Should there be any blocking problems, you can use this in the Hosts file. .org
Works atm..
Answer #9
Cheers Iam sure that will help some of the peeps.
Answer #10
yup, read on the information page to not use old host ip address. Now I am here !!
Answer #11
you are aweome thanx m8! I could not figure out why I was not connecting. Works like a charm
Answer #12
Yes, all seems to be good with DNS servers..
Should there be any blocking problems, you can use this in the Hosts file. .org

Works atm..

Nice one ! There are people on Facebook who can’t log in, I hope you don’t mind if I post that on Facebook!


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