Help me with getting an LCD TV!

March 3rd, 2018

Hey, we are shifting into a new house.. and we already made provisions there for a complete multimedia experience. All that remains now is buying the stuff.
So well, getting to the point…
The viewing distance is 15-16 feet, so I think the size we can buy is limited too. What would be the maximum? 37 inch or maybe even 42?
We got a 32 inch Samsung Series 4 TV and put it up for a trial, and we were satisfied with the image quality but felt that it was a little small, and we needed a bigger one.
Please be aware that India, we do not have HD channels / serials as of now. All we have is standard definition, 4:3 programming. So, all Hd stuff I will play will be the stuff I download from here. Majority of the stuff we see will be SD.
I want the TV for.. viewing cable (Tata SKY etc.) + watching dvdrips of movies + watching HD (720p/1080p) movies + watching TV serials (downloaded in 720p) + playing games on my PS2 and HTPC.
So, you can see that I am not your typical novice user and have quite a few uses for the TV…
Now, what would you people suggest? I think we are leaning more towards the 37 inch models.. So in that also, what are the good ones? We need atleast 2 HDMI ports, and the USB ports and Bluetooth ports are not necessary since we will attaching an HTPC to the TV…
Please guys, help given quickly would be highly appreciated!

Answer #1
HDTV Broadcast will be out with the Commonwealth 2010 :-:
Answer #2
May be Sony Bravia 32inch???
Answer #3
At that viewing distance, the bigger TV you can get the better if you want to resolve 1080p.
If you want quality, you would probably be better off with a big Plasma TV as the picture would be better, ie very little to no smearing/blurring, better blacks. The only real downsides are the power they require and image burn. But for display quality Plasma is the best thing to go for.
Whatever you get I would make sure it is 1080p which it would almost certain to be at that size.
Answer #4
May be Sony Bravia 32inch???
He said 32inch will be small for him |-:
Answer #5
buy samsung lcd tv they are one of the best in picture quality
Answer #6
Okay people, I convinced my dad that 32 inch and even 37 inch are much too small for us. We are gonna get atleast 40 inch now…. any suggestions? The current favorite is the Samsung Series4 40 incher.
Answer #7
Samsung LN40A650
Answer #8
Have a look at the LED backlight models as they are supposed to give better pictures and better black levels. That is if you have to have an LCD.
Answer #9
Yeah but aren’t LEDs way too expensive? I don’t think they will come under our budget.
Answer #10
What is your budget???
Answer #11
I think the quality of led lit tv is now as good as plasma uses about 90 % less power runs much cooler and the screen lasts much longer but yes they are a bit costly
Answer #12
Go for LCD anyway. Plasmas look good for sometime, and give much better quality, but as time passes, within an year, they fade out. LCDs last longer.
Its always preferable to opt for an LCD


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