August 5th, 2016

I am new in IRC.Please anybody tell me what is IRC?
How to use it?

Answer #1
It’s a chat program with functions like DCC (file transfer) and more. You go into channels and will be able to talk to the people there. You can also PM them, etc etc. for more detailed info, and the actual client.
Answer #2
k But what am i do in that client please explane properly
Answer #3
k But what am i do in that client please explane properly
Everything is explained here :
After you’re done reading head over to the “Commands” section to read about how to use IRC Commands.
Good luck
Answer #4
This tutorial made by Spoonz will probably help you:
Good luck.
Answer #5
It's a chat program with functions like DCC (file transfer) and more. You go into channels and will be able to talk to the people there. You can also PM them, etc etc. for more detailed info, and the actual client.
actually. IRC is not a chat program. But, mIRC is a chat program.
IRC is stand for internet relay chat which is a form of internet text messaging or in simpler word chat. IRC basically is used for communicate with several people (in channel) or u also can do one-to-one connection via private message. IRC also can be used to transfer the data via DCC ( Direct Client-to-Client ) .
Answer #6


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