Headphone With Glasses

August 8th, 2016

I have glasses and im wondering would a full-size headhpone mess up my glasses causing me uncomfort?
BTW: I hate earbud and also wondering would a ear-pad headphone be fine too?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the headphone is for music and travelling

Answer #1
Some are comfortable and some are not. The style of your glasses will have a lot to do with it. You have to try them out for yourself to see which one works best for you. The Sennheiser HD 500 series headphones (HD555 & HD595) are said to have velour ear pads even allow wearing eyeglasses without loss of comfort
Answer #2
they might cause you uncomfort but if you put up with it for awhile you would probly get use2 it and it wouldnt bother you anymore.
Answer #3
I suggest you a pair that have a “hole” in it (like when you can enter your ear in the headphone)
because those who are “flat” are generally more squeezy on the head , so after couple of hours your glasses might penetrated your head a bit ear-pad are generally the best , since they are light and don’t put too much pression on your ear
it all depend of the tention of the headphone
Answer #4
thanks a lot guys but could some of you recommand some good, cheap full-size headphone which are comfortable even with glasses
The Sennheiser HD 500 series headphones (HD555 & HD595) are said to have velour ear pads even allow wearing eyeglasses without loss of comfort
good headphones but a bit to pricey for me ($150-$250)
my budget around $75
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the headphone is for music and travelling(portable)
Answer #5
i don’t think you will have alot of problems
i wear my glasses for like 11 years now and i can use a headphone without any discomfort
maybe if your headphone is really really huge you could have problems i guess
Answer #6
I’ve buy those http://www.federalstereo.com/acreclmoprst.html
I love the sound of it ! but the only inconvenient is that if you travel you can’t just put them in your pocket..


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