HDTV Questions – Help with RCA RS52WH74
August 5th, 2016
Is this true? If it is could someone tell me how to pick up these channels?
EDIT: Ok so by using the magical powers of the internet I’ve found the answers to those questions above, but now i have a couple of new ones.
My NEW question is: i went to antennaweb.org to find the UHF/VHF broadcasted Digital channels (the 720p HD channels that you are supposed to pick up through your tv’s ATSC reciever) and I went into the Digital/Antenna mode in the tv and entered the channel numbers in every way i thought possible. The tv still can’t pick anything up. For instance one of the channels I am supposed to be able to recieve is 14-1. well i entered in 14-1 and 14-01 into the tv and it keeps changing it to 14-0, no signal. So i tried doing it 01-14 and it came back as 1-14. No signal. I’m getting frustrated because i’ve watched these channels on a friends 32″ flat panel……..dont know if it had to do with the year it was made or the type or size.
Extra Info:
Its an RCA RS52WH74 52″ Rear projection HDTV…….i believe it was manufactured in 2005 or 2006 and it is supposed to have the ATSC reciever built in.
Appreciate the help!
come on i’m sure someone here knows something about this…….anyone?
i’m sorry to dbl post I really need the help