Has At&t blacklisted main direct download sites?

January 27th, 2020

I can go to a link and type the spam code and it tries to start the download, but it never does. This is for what seems to be most of the direct dl sites. I don’t have dl caps on this dsl plan. I’m pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. Now it’s worse than it was before.
Answer #1
Does it even start to download?, and how many sites have you actually tried to download from?
I very much doubt it could be ‘most of them’, or that your ISP is blocking most of them.
Answer #2
samething happening to me and i also have att…i cant download anything from here..does not even start to download….anyone?
Answer #3
Well for one thing, you don’t download anything from here anyway, you download from other sites.
I don’t see how your ISP can be denying access to every possible site you might want to try, and I don’t even see why they would unless they are owned by copyright holders,
All that will happen if they did this is they’ll lose a ton of customers to other ISPs.
Try some sort of VPN, or Tor if you really are convinced that it’s your ISP.
Answer #4
If you do a google about the “six strikes” plan, it is quite possible to learn that they may indeed be blocking access to file hosting sites along with some torrent indexing sites.
Answer #5
The six strikes plan was about issuing 6 warning to individual people before terminating contract.
If they are really firewalling people and blanket denying access, as is suggested, that’s something very different.
Anyway like I said, if that really is the case then hundreds customers will simply go to some other ISP, or use a VPN
Answer #6
well i was using google chrome but i tried with explorer and i now can download…so maybe something to do with google chrome..dont know…thanks
Answer #7
in september of 2009, measures were taken by the FCC (including injunctions and lawsuits) to prevent throttling of “unlimited” subscription internet service and the blocking of sites/ips/networks. A small snippet from the FCC Chairman’s address to Congress: "...prevent the operators from discriminating, or act as gatekeepers, of Web content and services."
So most likely a browser thing, or the way you have it configured. While there are regulations about how search results are ranked, browser makers can do what they want about where they will and will not go.


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