Graphics Tablet

January 27th, 2020

Hey all, i just got a new graphics tablet and i was just wondering weather anyone had any tips/tutorials about how to use one. Obviously i know how to use it, but how to produce good stuff with it is another story. Could someone help me out?
Answer #1
You can’t learn to use it by just hearing tips, it just takes a lot of painting practice, prepare at least a couple of months of experience before you will be able to actually paint with it. It took me about 4 months to get used to it.
The best thing to do is just sketch with it in photoshop like you would do with pencil on paper. Also coloring some lineart helps a lot. That also depends on whether you actually planning on painting your own stuff with it, or just use it for basic stuff like sigs.
Answer #2
Yeah yeah i know, but tips and tuts will help me get the feel of it and know what to do with it….even basic shading stuff would be good lol
Answer #3
or go to and search for ‘tutorials’ they have the best stuff.
Answer #4
basic shading stuff has nothing to do with the graphics tablet, snake said it all “u need practice”.
Answer #5
basic shading stuff has nothing to do with the graphics tablet, snake said it all "u need practice".
yeah and i guess tips and tutorials wont help me do that will they….?

Answer #6
What better programs to practice on for drawing are Ambient Design’s Art Rage 2.5 & Autodesk’s Sketchbook Pro.
Fully recommended.
Answer #7
Thanks , i like your style of RECOMMENDED help
Answer #8
No problem…
Art Rage, besides being a very good program it also has a very good Forum & Tutorial set.
Sketchbook Pro is a step-up in quality……. Both though absolutely brilliant in use.
Answer #9
I got one just before Christmas. It does take a while to get used to it, but once you do, they’re indispensable.
Sketchbook Pro is great fun. I found just drawing little doodles helps out a lot. Also, even if it’s not for your tablet, I recommend taking a look at this:
I shows you simple things like how to hold the pen, and how to practice using it, amongst tons of other things. Also have a read through’s guide on tablets:
Just practice as much as you can.
Also, grab some of these. Most are available here on WBB:
Answer #10
Interesting link there .
I have a wacom enabled Tablet PC and this should prove an interesting add-on.
Answer #11
Yeah it’s handy. My tablet isn’t a Wacom but I still downloaded it. Helped me out a good bit.
Answer #12
dont mean to hijack, but this is a good thread, do any graphics tablets come with recommendation? i cant afford to shell out stupid amounts, anything good close to �100?
Answer #13
You can get a good one for well under �100. This is the one I use and don’t have any problem with it.
Answer #14
i got a wacom bamboo only cost about 90 dollars, oh and practice sketches and stuff yeah, look at other digital paintings and try and see their shading technique. check out this tutorial
Answer #15
You can get a good one for well under �100. This is the one I use and don't have any problem with it.

wow i really like the size of that one (i swear the wacom one that size costs way more then that)
Is Aiptek a good brand for these things? Just ive seen Trust get pwned by Wacom in loads of reviews ive seen.
and i just read 1 review on amazon saying the scroll/zoom macros on the tablet dont work with Photoshop – sounds like hes a noob to me lol but is that really true?
Answer #16
Answer #17
Yes it’s a good size for the price. Aiptek is a decent brand. It’s not the very best, but it’s certainly not the worst. I looked into tablets for a long time before I actually bought one, and a lot of people weren’t wanting to spend a lot of � on tablets so they plumped for the Aiptek. The majority of them were happy they did. The macros are all editable, and the scroll/zoom functions DO work fine. I dunno what the problem was with the guy that said they didn’t. Not sure if other tablets have this, but you can lift up the surface film of the tablet and put a picture underneath to trace it. v.handy!
Apologies to the original poster, by the way. It’s kinda skewed off-topic.
Hope the tutorials posted help you out!

Answer #18
These sites may help you learn more techniques and ways to use a a tablet, check them out.
Answer #19
The macros are all editable, and the scroll/zoom functions DO work fine. I dunno what the problem was with the guy that said they didn't. Not sure if other tablets have this, but you can lift up the surface film of the tablet and put a picture underneath to trace it. v.handy!
well Aiptek need you as a sales rep, you just clinched the deal in my mind that surface film thing sounds like its got a lot of potential, shall probably by one soon.
those tuts look well good too, cant w8 to try em out.


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