Graphics card help

January 21st, 2020

i got a graphics card and i dont no wat it is AGP or something. is there anyway of finding that out.
and how can i find out if it is compatible with my comp.
and 1 last thing if the card isnt in a antistatic bag does it get ruined and if i put it in will it ruin my comp.
plz help

Answer #1
1. What model is it? Check with GPU-Z
2. We need to know the motherboard as well, find out with CPU-Z
3. The anti-static bag is for storage, so its best to be kept in there. It doesnt have to be in the bag if tis in the comp
Answer #2
umm its not mine so i dont no wat model or anything
i got it from a friend and he doesnt no either.
and heres the info from cpu-z
from wat i no my comp supports AGP 4x cards.
but i dont no if my card is AGP 4x.
Answer #3
well the graphic card can either be 1x/2x/4x/8x transfer rate. If its 8x then it will slow to 4x to suite your card. So from the pic its your motherboard is agp for sure. To tell the difference between an AGP and a pci/PCI-E graphic card, does it have a little L hook on it. It should be next to the gold teeth shown below:
Answer #4
yup it does
so if it wasnt in a antistatic bag would it be ruined or will it ruin my comp.
Answer #5
no it cant ruin your comp. use GPU-Z not CPU Z.
if you card is agp 8x, then its also 4x, 2x, it can be anything lower then the highest value.
Answer #6
k thanks guys but is there anyway of decreasing the effect of the static energy
Answer #7
to de-static yourself jsut touch any metal object for a few seconds. Shouldnt rally matter if your not on carpet. But if your worried, jsut keep yoruself grounded i.e. touch a metal object then touch the card or use an anti-static strap.
Answer #8
wat if im on carpet
Answer #9
Is this thread for real? Stop messing around pretending to be a noob, lol!
If you really are serious then your abit motherboard is AGP – a dinosaur.
There should be a manufacturer or model number on the card by a barcode too – that usually can tell you if you google the part number.
Answer #10
im am kinda a noob
its just that every site i go to it says stuff bout static energy
so i was worried if my comp would be ruined
Answer #11
well i built my pc on carpet, it doesnt matter but carpet generates that extra energy. So just touch a metal object every 5mins or so like your pc case
Answer #12
umm k ty


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