Grants and Financial Aid

May 2nd, 2014

Anyone who lives in the US could probably help me answer this question.
I received financial aid whats called a BOG fee waiver also known as Boards of Government fee waiver which helped me pay for my classes and parking permits but not my books. I enrolled in about 4 classes which is equivalent to 12 units but say that I still have to drop a class without receiving a “W”, would I have to pay back money ?

Answer #1
most likely. i know college life sounds good and you want to party all the time but the best advice i can give you is not to fail any classes and not to drop them. just do your best and try to get an A or a B. if you fail not only you have to pay the course some money back but you will also loose your whole financial aid and thus you might even have to pay for classes that you passed.
Answer #2
This is a community college that I am attending.
Answer #3
Almond Joy replied: This is a community college that I am attending.
it doesnt matter dude. money is money and time is time. your spending your money and time if your not gonna do good in college. doesnt matter if its 30 grand a year college or a 3 grand a semester
Answer #4
You have to meet minimal requirements to receive financial aid or it will get revoked.
One only has to carrying 12 hours a semester while holding a 2.0 GPA (2.5 if it’s transferred)
If you can’t handle that, then you are either not serious or need to look into a trade school.


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