got a friends old Ibook.what next

August 14th, 2021

So iv been using windows pc’s all my life..judt got a mac….
so i’d like a clean know install the os again start afresh..Its an old mac so what do i download?
Also where acn i find a user guide to use a mac..
You know basic stuff
Help apreciated and thanks in advance

Answer #1
Search the eBook section for books on mac computers?
Answer #2
I got a retired iBook G4 from my work 9 months ago. If you are at least somewhat knowledgeable with Windows, you should have little trouble adapting to OSX. There are little things I like better and little things that bug me to no end.
Selection of software is limited. If this is a G3 iBook, you will want OSX 10.4 A G4 iBook can run OSX 10.5 but barely meets system requirements. I have 10.4 on mine.
The only real use for it I have is for browsing the net without having to worry about malware.
If it weren’t for that I would have tossed it in the bin.
The RAM is easy enough to access but god forbid if you want to install a bigger hard drive. 44 screws to remove and near total disassembly.
BTW, Macs can AND do crash.


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