Gift for girlfriend! I need help :)

January 25th, 2020

Hi there!
My girlfriend will soon be celebrating her birthday and I would like to prepare an extraordinary gift for her. I got the idea to create a special video for her. I’m going to ask people from around the world to help me in this video. I love her very much and I want her to be found out about it in every possible language.
Can you help me create a compilation of some words in your language? If it would not be a problem for you then I would ask you to record a short video with “Happy Birthday Monika, he loves you so much” in your language. You can upload it on your youtube and set it as private then send me a link. I will appreciate for your help. My name is Krystian and I come from Poland I really need help and my deadline is 14 June (her birtday).
If you have a webcam and you want help PM me or reply this topic. BTW. What do you think about this idea?

Answer #1
I think the idea is great. I hope others will contribute ( I certainly cannot atm, although I just might make it before the deadline). I think it would be better if this was posted in off-topic.
Answer #2
If you say so.. Sorry for wrong category then I just read “Get help with just about anything and everything” Some bloggers from youtube want to help me (I am really happy) but I want collect as many people as its possible
Answer #3
Fantastic idea! I’ll send you a video of me saying it in Irish if you want
Answer #4
That would be fantastic! Send me mail with link: Thanks in advance!
Answer #5
I think if your girlfriend saw aload of random strangers telling her how much you love her in their language i cant see how she would be impressed. Dont get me wrong I think its a brilliant idea but firstly she wouldnt know what people where saying unless each person added a subtitle.
I think you would be better off asking her friends and family and your friends and family to record themselves saying how much you love her. If they know you love her that is.
You see if its strangers saying it, then its just words with no meaning. But if its from people who know you then its more solid and has evidence to back it up.
well done though for making the effort to do something unusual for her
Answer #6
Not quite sure how a video of a bunch of random strangers telling her how much you love her in their language would end up getting you laid??
Buy her some flowers. lol
Answer #7
I sent you the video via private message. Enjoy.
Answer #8
My english is horrible but I will try to explain it to you guys I want to make something uncommon. Many people in my country say “I want to give you whole world, I love you” but it is impossible, right? But I can try to give her something from every place in the world – words Maybe it is some kind of romantic ~love~ for you, but for me it is way to make her very happy. And it is only part of my “suprise”.
I don’t have any problems with getting laid, wherever and every time I want. And yes, I can buy her some flowers, just to make her happy, without any occasion
Thank you very much , you are awesome!
Answer #9
Then my friend, good luck.
“A person will more times then not go with their original thought even after advice”
Answer #10
Thank you , I really appreciate your advice
Anyway I am sure that gift would be amazing and she will be happy
Answer #11
It’s a nice idea but this is the same as chopping videos out from Youtube and putting them into one video
Answer #12
a special video for her
A ‘special’ video is something you do yourself dude, not a compilation of crap other people have done just cos you asked them and were too lazy to do it yourself.
Get onto Google translate or whatever and go get your own stuff to compile a video.
If she loves you it’s you she’s interested in, not a bunch of unknown wallies saying ‘Happy Birthday Monika’ in a foreign language.
This is probably the worst birthday present I’ve ever heard of!
If you gave that to me I’d wrap it round your neck and kick you out of the house.
Answer #13
“If you gave that to me I’d wrap it round your neck and kick you out of the house.” and that is why I am so happy than u are not my girlfriend As I already said: Maybe it is some kind of romantic *cenzored for you, but for me it is way to make her very happy and it is only PART of gift. One rose on her desk with some my words, breakfast, restaurant, video, necklace I can not speak English as well as I want to describe it all
But thanks anyway for your opinion, I appreciate it.
Answer #14
and that is why I am so happy than u are not my girlfriend
You obviously haven’t seen Sid in a mini skirt, you don’t know what you’re missing OT: I agree a bunch of random strangers sending a message is a bit odd, maybe if you arranged this with a bunch of people she actually knows it maybe more effective.
Answer #15
Buy her one of those “name a star” packages…
better than some weirdo’s who she doesn’t know in a vid compilation IMHO
Answer #16
You obviously haven't seen Sid in a mini skirt, you don't know what you're missing You’re right.. I am so sad now OT: I agree a bunch of random strangers sending a message is a bit odd, maybe if you arranged this with a bunch of people she actually knows it maybe more effective.

I’ll think about it uy her one of those "name a star" packages... better than some weirdo's who she doesn't know in a vid compilation IMHO It is cool idea, but I still prefer a video (it is only symbolic gift – she will get a real present after dinner)
Answer #17
You obviously haven't seen Sid in a mini skirt, you don't know what you're missing
Hehe! Can I help it if I can’t figure out how to hang the suspenders! Image
Answer #18
I recieved another video! Thanks for help guys!
Answer #19
nice idea dude, but it maybe effective if you get to contact her friends
like use her friends.. school friends.. teachers.. uhmm someone who
really became part of her life [from childhood to present]
Answer #20
It is good idea. I’ll mix my idea with your


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