Getting certified as a web developer ?

September 1st, 2013

Friends! I want to learn web developing and i want to get a certification as a web developer. There are many companies offering different types of certifications. like PHP, mySQL, ASP by Microsoft, html css JavaScript by W3school and many more………
Could anyone suggest me which certification is best to improve my career and my skills? Which one is valuable?

Answer #1
To be honest, certification (for the most part) is useless. What is important is talent and experience. You see it all the time, graduates with bachelor degrees that can’t get a job because they have no experience.
The good thing about web dev. is that you can “fake it until you make it”. Start off freelancing, taking really basic jobs. Even if you don’t know what the hell you’re doing, you can google your way through it. It’s bottomfeeder stuff, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
Answer #2
W3School certificates aren’t worth anything, they’re entirely self-proclaimed, not recognised by anyone and not affiliated with W3C!
As far as I can see, W3Schools is misleading people into making them think they have connections with W3C because of the naming.
Answer #3
thanks for you replays…….. it is now clear that getting a certification is not valuable.
I want to learn web development.
Could you tell me from where i have to start and which programming is best and popular in future? ASP or PHP or just HTML is enough for a web developer?
Answer #4
DiLGeeR, I’m a Web Developer myself and here’s my advice — start off with HTML & CSS. Learn to build static websites using those technologies. Go to and search for good books on HTML & CSS. Once you’re comfortable with it, move on to ASP.NET. Using this technology, you’ll be able to build dynamic websites (getting data from a database etc.). If you don’t like reading books (like me), get Pluralsight training videos on these subjects. And remember to practice what you learn. Good luck!
Answer #5
I agree with yzzozzy that you should start with HTML & CSS, while you’re at it also take a look at HTML5.
After you learned HTML/CSS you can go MANY MANY MANYYYY ways.
Answer #6
Popular languages for building websites/webapplications:

  • ASP.NET (C#)
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Scala (runs on Java capable servers)

PHP is probably the most widely supported. As for the communities: The python community probably puts most emphasis on good, easy, readable code. (I don’t know about ASP.NET communities, but it’s unlikely they’re better in that aspect) The PHP community is infamous for producing abysmal code, however, that doesn’t apply to the big frameworks of course, but still, you can write good code in PHP as well, as long as PHP doesn’t get in your way. Ruby.. I don’t know much about it’s community, but it’s got a very strong sense of community (as does Python). The Scala community is the newest of all, they probably have the most sophisticated solutions (which is also because the language itself is the most advanced from those mentioned, in term of features, PHP is the most simple among those mentioned).
(Yes, I may have exaggerated a little when talking about the PHP community but still, it’s not that far off)


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