Get files from broken Laptop?

December 28th, 2013

I have a friend that broke his Laptop and we are trying to figure out how to get the data(pictures,documents) from the Harddrive. The laptop wont even turn on so I assume we need to take out the harddrive, can’t I put his harddrive into my Laptop that works,then transfer his files onto a thumbdrive?
Answer #1
You can do it if they are the same connections.
A really easy option is to get a “Hard Drive Enclosure”. You put his laptop hard drive in it and you can then hook it up to your computer like a external hard drive.
Answer #2
His harddrive is a Sata and my Laptop is also a SATA. I didn’t know my Laptop would boot into windows since we both have different hardware
Answer #3
Won’t really work in your unless you have the same laptop as the drivers will be wrong. Best to connect it as a secondary drive via sata or usb (or IDE if it’s old). USB caddys are like $5 on ebay.
Answer #4
What if I boot into “safe mode”
Answer #5
thenightman4u replied: His harddrive is a Sata and my Laptop is also a SATA. I didn't know my Laptop would boot into windows since we both have different hardware,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1680&bih=920&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=12550443008571758943&sa=X&ei=iciQTpHzNOSvsAL62qC8AQ&sqi=2&ved=0CHoQ8wIwAA
cheap 20$ option (or you can go my free route ). It’s available pretty much everywhere.. If you get it from a store like best buy you can buy it, use it, then return it right after. (they have like a 30 day return policy )
Answer #6
Answer #7
You’d be best getting an SATA 2.5″ External Enclosure,Just make sure it supports the HDD’s capacity.
Don’t bother ordering it online,Just get it from a local PC store.
Answer #8
Get a 2.5″ enclosure.


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