Fresh Install [Solved]

September 23rd, 2013

I’ve just done a fresh install but the drivers needs updating. The ethernet port need updating and the USB ports don’t seem to work and a load of others that need updating. is there anyway I can get a driver report up from the system then download the drivers on another system to then burn onto a cd to transfer onto the system
Answer #1
For transferring the files – CD/DVD/Floppy or by connecting a SATA/eIDE cable to the HDD and throwing the files on.. However that sounds extremely weird for a modern computer to not have those drivers out of the box.. perhaps they’re on the media you used to install the OS? Is this normal for every fresh install you have done?
Answer #2
no its the first time the usb port isn’t working which is strange, BIOs has it enabled. no cd or recovery partition, so i put a fresh copy of XP on which matched the key.
Answer #3
Win 7 should be able to update most drivers on it’s own, so presumably you are talking about XP install ?
Just go to the manufacturers support website if it’s a prebuilt pc and grab the drivers from there, or direct from the parts manufacturer.
eg. You will need the chipset drivers – which will also give you USB, not sure what chipset you have, if Intel, get from the Intel website.
You can stick them on a disc if your USB ports are not working or by using the method above (connect the hdd directly to another pc and copy over)
Answer #4
USB has been implemented since Win 98, so it even XP shouldn’t be a hassle. For a fresh install to have no USB support is quite an alarming thing to have happen as there could be other underlying features, drivers, etc that may possibly be broken.
I really recommend that OP reinstalls the OS again and hopefully it won’t happen again.. I’d also advise using a copy downloaded from here, same version if you want your serial to work. However, with all the cracks, etc here, it shouldn’t matter.
Answer #5
is there another way I can link the laptop to a desktop via serial? theres a serial port on the laptop and obviously on the desktop but the MS file and settings wizard doesn’t want to know.
Answer #6
Lol, the Serial is probably sharing the same fate as the USB and Ethernet..
Try physical media such as a DVD/CD or a Live CD/DVD to start into Windows/Linux and download/install from there.
Answer #7
trying to avoid burning a disk, seems like the only option.
Answer #8
If you have a brand name PC, then go to the manufactures site, or if not, then go to the motherboards site with your model number and you should be able to go to their support and get the drivers for your operating system (XP).
Yes you can install them from CD.
Answer #9
Open the laptop up and plug a SATA cable into the drive.. provided you know what you’re doing it should be ok.
Answer #10
thats long. i’ll just burn a disk and install all the drivers. cheers
Answer #11
Install the chipset drivers and it should be sorted. All other drivers won’t install without those basic drivers functioning.
The PC manufacturer’s or motherboard maker website should have them or help identify which ones you need. Intel/AMD might have the most recent.
Answer #12
sorry, does your Ethernet port work? if it does, download the drivers, save yourself a CD/DVD
otherwise, your best option is to burn a CD/DVD, but I would try and reinstall the OS first, just to rule out any unfortunate things with your disc.
you don’t want to be using a corrupt disc. I would be doing this testing before you burn a disc, it might save you a disc or two in the long run
Answer #13
Voryzen replied: sorry, does your Ethernet port work? if it does, download the drivers, save yourself a CD/DVD
He is posting to this forum, therefore he has net access so he can download the drivers he needs (chipset). Burning them to a CD RW looks like his only option if his USB isn’t working which would prevent him from using a USB flash drive. He might have to do that on the PC he is using to access the net because without chipset drivers, burning might not be possible.
I don’t think he needs to re-install windows, that just wastes time which probably won’t solve anything.
Stating which version of windows he was attempting to re-install would of prevented everyone “guessing” about why it hasn’t worked.
If it’s XP then there is unlikely be any drivers suitable for his motherboard. These don’t get installed by default with XP. Only very old systems would be supported.
Answer #14
well said Marvel,
he could have been posting from another computer rather than his own, which would explain other posts.
also in this day and age nothing would be stopping him from posting through his mobile phone browser.
After all, no one here is really aware of his current circumstances.
Best off getting all the facts out there, in a way that’s as easy to understand as possible.
I think my question about the ethernet port was still valid in helping my point, thanks for looking out for me though.
Answer #15
I’m posting from my desktop. the laptop itself cannot connect to the net at the moment until I install drivers. Ethernet, graphics etc. have yellow markers. its a Samsung laptop, Intel with XP Home. I got it to fix the screen, hinges which I’ve done. I then noticed when booting up it had the wrong OS on it, XP Pro, not sure how I’ve already asked but its like talking to a brick wall so I reinstalled the correct OS matching the key which is XP Home, I already had one with SP3 so I just installed via that OEM matching installer. to the best of my knowledge its been installed correctly.
I’ve gone onto Samsungs support site and downloaded all the drivers for the laptop onto my machine. I’ll burn them then install them on the laptop. I wanted to avoid burning a disk by using a USB or serial but like you all say the drivers,chipset need updating before i can use the USB ports.. I hope anyway.
I’ll burn all the ones on the Samsung site then give it a once over on Intel’s site and driver genius for more updated drivers if needed and more importantly the ports actually work. I’ll let you know how I get on installing the drivers. ps might take a few days, grandad pasted away so I’ve left it for now.
Answer #16
sorted. installed all the updates and also gave it a once over on Intels site. thanks all


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