? for ya.

February 4th, 2020

My ? is this. After downloading these files that make up the games, do I need to burn this to dvd, just like I would as if this was a PC game? Is it that simple? Thanks for your time.

Answer #1
Moved from Console Gamez to Helpdesk.
Answer #2
More specific, pl0x.
What console?
Answer #3
More specific, pl0x.
What console?

Lets say either Wii or xbox 360
Answer #4
More specific, pl0x.
What console?

Lets say either Wii or xbox 360

Then yes, just burn the iso to a disk Image I know it works for wiis, SHOULD be the same for 360s…
Answer #5
For 360s you’ll need to burn around 2.4x with a program like IMGBURN. Depending on your firmware the ISO may need patching. For Wiis, AFAIK the newer models can’t boot from DVDs. Plus the DVDs are filled with dummy data, so it’s better to just use an ISO loader and USB device with scrubbed (removed the dummy data) games.
Answer #6
thanx for help guys


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