Flash to .exe

February 7th, 2020

I have a flash presentation due tomorrow where I have to export the .fla to .exe. The problem i’m having is that after I publish to .exe and copy the .exe outside of the root/main folder not of the attached .jpegs (galleries) load. So the question is: Is there a way to combine all the swf and attached jpeg’s into one big standalone .exe?
I have to burn to a cd afterwards and I just wanted 1 standalone .exe
Please help I missed the lecture relating to this part and its kind of late to call a friend and ask as it is due tomorrow.

Answer #1
Sorry but what are you trying to achieve by making it .exe??
Answer #2
Part of the requirements was to make it into an .exe.
I’m guessing because some computers don’t have flash installed and cant play .swf but every windows computer can open and play an .exe
Answer #3
try this
found it through google first link dont blame it if doesnt work


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