Farcry 2

January 31st, 2020

I get this message when i try open it..
“The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000001d). Click on OK to terminate the application.”
i also get an error when installing a service pack or something when its installing, ive got service pack 2 but says it cant add onto it because i dont have it, or something?
I downloaded Farcry 2 off here btw and others have got it working.

Answer #1
did u try to reinstall?
Answer #2
Yeah twice, it keeps saying something about .net microsoft error, and i searched that in google and aparently its my service pack, and i re installed that and it said it was fine? then i re installed the game and it came up with .net microsoft error again, and just says that when i try open far cry 2.exe or whatever.
Answer #3
try to download the latest net framework,or the the VC++ runtimes..
Answer #4
Installed both of them, the VC++ works and installs, then the net framework says its already installed, i tryed installing it before VC++ and it came up with the same error as when it tryed installing it with far cry 2.
Answer #5
i searched a little and found this optional advices
1:Check the system requirements.
2:Update the system BIOS.
3:Enable SSE
Answer #6
My requirements are okay for the game, and can you explain to me how to check the other 2? .
Answer #7
the bios have nothin to do with this,SSE is a processor instruction set which cant be disabled
to the best of my knowledge , but FC2 does require a processor that supports the SSE2 instruction set
unless your processor is extremely old it should support it ,better get that checked with cpu-z
it could also be missing/corrupted windows files
insert your xp cd and goto start–>run–>sfc /scannow
Answer #8
the bios have nothin to do with this,SSE is a processor instruction set which cant be disabled
to the best of my knowledge , but FC2 does require a processor that supports the SSE2 instruction set
unless your processor is extremely old it should support it ,better get that checked with cpu-z
it could also be missing/corrupted windows files
insert your xp cd and goto start-->run-->sfc /scannow

i did that and a black box flashed up and then went away? lol
my computer isnt extremely old btw =].
Might help
Answer #9
weird,maybe system file protection has been disabled on the xp version you used
try “last known good configration” from the F8 menu (restart and press and release it contstantly
til the menu will pop up) , if that wont help then try system restore , anyways as said,check the SSE2 support with cpu-z
EDIT that image is tiny,i cant see a thing
Answer #10
Sorry, re uploaded it now, hmm i dunno what is wrong with it
Answer #11
SSE2 is supported on your processor,however its a very WEAK and old one
and doesnt meet FC2 minimum system requirements,sempron is just as bad
as intel’s celeron processors
minimum requirements:

Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz, Pentium D 2.66 Ghz
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ or better Video card:
NVIDIA 6800 or ATIX1650 or better [b]Shader Model 3 required 256 Mb of graphic memory [/b] - these require a farily modern GFX card
1 GB Media reader:
DVD-ROM Hard drive space:
~12 Gig or HD space. (tbd)


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