Excel problem

January 27th, 2014

Whenever i’m trying to type ‘/’ in a field, it doesn’t allow me to.
any other letter, number i can type.
The thing i see, is that when trying to type ‘/’, on the taskbar some options are being showed.
On the office-button you can see B1, next to that 1 2 3 & 4 are shown
and beneath there are several letters (start = R, N, … acrobat = B2)
How can i stop this?
I want the / to appear in the field when i type it…

Answer #1
Right click on the cell, click Format cells, for Category choose “text”, hit OK and there You go …
Answer #2
If I’m not mistaken, you can type ‘ (apostrophe) prior hand, and it makes Excel treat the entry as text. Hope it helps!


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