ERD help! please
August 23rd, 2013
the lectures or identified as (SN) and the modules are identified as (MN)
much appreciated.
Is this for an assignment or for some homework because I don’t think warez sites can help you in an exam
and back to you to question can modules be taught by more than 1 lecturer because at the moment you are describing a one-to-many relationship
This was a question raised in a lecture, but the reason why I’m confused with it is because i read somewhere that you cant make a 1-many relationship be required. so the question is throwing me off. So in my mind the word “must” shouldn’t be there. I don’t think more than 1 lecturer can teach a module.
Well, if you have 5 lecturers and 20 modules, you can have all 5 teaching 4 each, or have 5 teach 5 each with some overlaps for badly timed lectures..
There’s no reason one single lecturer has to teach all the subsets of a lecture – It could be presumed that all lecturers are of equivalent level and ‘lecturing quality’, so to speak.
1 can teach 1 6 11 16
2 can teach 2 7 12 17
3 can teach 3 8 13 18
4 can teach 4 9 14 19
5 can teach 5 10 15 20
Easy to map that out.
i dont think anyone in warez can help this topic.