Dual boot question!

August 5th, 2016

Can you run a game from the Win7 in the Xp system!
If you have two OS-s!
Or do you need to install the game two times!
On the Win7 part and Xp part!

Answer #1
if the game is portable or no extra files are saved in the system (e.g. Quake 3 !) it will run on both as long as you have a third partition.
however if it installs other things into the system then you will need to install it twice im afraid.
Answer #2
Tats kinda bad!
Fallout 3 wont work on Win7!
Some strange mouse freeze bug!
So I need to install again IF I DO THE DUAL BOOT!
Answer #3
Do i nee to install new drivers on the newly created xp!
And of course can i access the data on the other hard drives!
Answer #4
if u have win7 ultimate , and u install stuff into Win7 ,but it needs to run in XP ,then in Win 7 u can select to run stuff in ” XP mode ” …
Answer #5
Uhm I used to play games like that for a while tbh. I just installed the games on a HD different then the OS, and each time I reinstalled the OS I could play the game without uninstalling, why don’t you just try it out. I say that it is possible.
Answer #6
if u have win7 ultimate , and u install stuff into Win7 ,but it needs to run in XP ,then in Win 7 u can select to run stuff in " XP mode " ...
Mate i now about the compatibility modes !
But this game needs XP somehow!


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