Does WindowBlinds slow down your pc?

August 4th, 2016

I use visual styles for XP, but it doesnt customize too much stuff. Windowblinds look awesome but I imagine that it slows the PC down a lot.
this article -> says otherwise but I want to know what you all think

Answer #1
Yes, WB will take some resources but if you have a quite high spec PC you will be fine.
Answer #2
why does that article only show it as using less than a MB to run though?
Answer #3
You do relise that article is basically 3 years old now lol. Now there are alot more skins around that require alot more ram, with vista and the aero look that uses quite a bit, plus the sidebar and the dock and the rest etc. It all depends what skin that you are going to use with window blinds. If it’s just quite a simple skin it isnt going to use as much ram, but if it’s quite advanced with alot of extras and that, then it will use up more ram and slow down your pc even more. But like szimonz said, if you have a high spec pc, it isnt really going to slow your pc down atall, if your using an outdated pc or a pc/laptop with low ram, then you will find it will slow down your pc/laptop alot more [depending what window blinds skin you want to use].
Answer #4
I tried it once, it sure did. I can only use Themes for XP (Windows Visual Styles) on my old PC. But like szimonz said, if you have a quite high spec PC you will be fine.
Answer #5
If your computer / laptop has S**T specs then yes it will, But if you have good specs, You will have no worry’s!
Answer #6
Like all other programs Window Blinds also takes some of the resources but it doesn’t slow down your PC.
Only the display properties take time to be loaded properly.
Answer #7
well, i’ll definitely choose wb than vtp.. much cool
Answer #8
Must check out the theme called molten, fire and a dragon thats animated everywere..
Really cool, not to mention the HALO supertransformingtopic in my signature
Booting takes a few seconds, but atleast its ALOT faster then an old laptop thats also being used ^^
Answer #9
It may, depends.. Slowed mines :/
Answer #10
I always turn off all visual effects and use Windows Classic layout, even on a Quad Core with 4GB ram. Don’t like any clutter
Answer #11
it doesn’t effect my pc..
i think it’s not make it ur pc slow..
just try and have fun


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