Designing A Website

November 20th, 2013

Hi, can someone here explain or tell me , which software have the features to create a website like this
or like this
I’m a newbie.. please i’m really interested in creating a website with full of flash/functions like.. It’s very cool..
Thanks in advance..

Answer #1
Answer #2
Thanks alot, but is it free?
or is there any other software or system with similar features? like Joomla or dreamweaver..
please do help me..
Answer #3
Answer #4
It really depends on whether you’re willing to invest in time to learn, or you just want a “quick and easy” way out which might not necessarily look or function as well.
If you want to learn properly, find some tutorials on HTML/CSS first. Then you can look into things like Flash and Javascript if you’re into animations and other cool effects.
For the basics:
Some other sites:

I used to have a long list of useful sites but unfortunately I think I lost those bookmarks, will post again if I remember any.
Answer #5
Evangeline replied: It really depends on whether you're willing to invest in time to learn, or you just want a "quick and easy" way out which might not necessarily look or function as well.
If you want to learn properly, find some tutorials on HTML/CSS first. Then you can look into things like Flash and Javascript if you're into animations and other cool effects.
For the basics:
Some other sites:

I used to have a long list of useful sites but unfortunately I think I lost those bookmarks, will post again if I remember any.

Thanks alot for the tutorials, I really appreciated it..
And please do tell me if you found out the other sites..
Answer #6
The best way to learn Web Design/Programming is to mess up with the tags, codings etc. Try using Adobe Dreamweaver, it has already got a friendly GUI and it is quite easy to manipulate.
Or if you don’t have spare time, try to do some Googling.
Answer #7
./Napster replied: The best way to learn Web Design/Programming is to mess up with the tags, codings etc. Try using Adobe Dreamweaver, it has already got a friendly GUI and it is quite easy to manipulate.
Or if you don't have spare time, try to do some Googling.

Thanks for the info..
But is it possible that there is any software have the same feature as i’ve already tried it..and its very cool, except that we can’t host our own site on our own pc like joomla ..


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