Cracking a passworded rar file

January 24th, 2020

Hi all, I downloaded AOEIII and when I went to extract the file it prompted me for a password. Now for me to get this password I had to accept certain things on explorer eg toolbars etc…..Is there a program I can run to take the password off and extract the file?
Much appreciated.

Answer #1
Where did you download AOEIII from what topic? From ? Look up in your histroy and discover the topic you downloaded from, the poster will always contain the password below the downloads.
Answer #2
There was a txt file that was with the rar file (Get password please go to: I tried going on it and getting it but I am not sure what happened……I know it was asking me to allow their toolbars etc not sure how to get around that.
Links Coded. Please remember to double check that all your links have been coded -
#3.10 All links must be coded - including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords and internal links.

Answer #3
Not allowed….Please report the topic or post a link…
Answer #4
If the topic is from WBB, report it otherwise please link us to it Also if you did use file hosts, try copying any 1 of the links in google and see in the results you get, if you see any password, If you dont then it might as well be a fake upload You could try those Password Crackers for Winrar, but it might take ages
Answer #5
download a different version one that comes with a password! sounds like a scam if you ask me!
Answer #6
If the topic is from WBB, report it otherwise please link us to it Also if you did use file hosts, try copying any 1 of the links in google and see in the results you get, if you see any password, If you dont then it might as well be a fake upload You could try those Password Crackers for Winrar, but it might take ages
Unfortunetly I deleted the links as I grabbed this game a few months back, but as I was searching for the page it has been deleted (is that possible)…….Someone must have already reported it. i guess i’ll have to try and use the password cracker for winrar. thanks for help.

abbydodds wrote: Select all

download a different version one that comes with a password! sounds like a scam if you ask me!
Yea i tried searching high and low for this game with HF but can’t find nothing hence why i went back to trying to crack my old download.
Thanks for help
Answer #7
try downloadin MU links, its usually great for free users
Answer #8
This sounds like a virus. Dnt do it. Jus dl the Thing from here or other reliable sites