Copyright of image advice

January 21st, 2020

I own this original black and white picture of marilyn monroe
which can be found here
I brought it at a antiquest fair and i was told that its over 50 years old. It was in a poor state and needed restoring i had a professional restore it as it was very very faded. My question is how would i find out if this image is copyrighted? There was no copyright anywhere to be found on it and also i believe that after 50 years copyright doesnt stand so i been told.
Any advice would be greate as i want to print out the original restored photo but i dont want to break any laws by doing so.
The original which was restored using photoshop cost me �30 plus �20 to restore it

Answer #1
80 years is the law
Answer #2
it might depend on what country you are in, but in New Zealand Australia at least the copyright belongs to the photographer. Sucks really, we had photos taken, which we paid for, but apparently we still don’t actually own them…
Answer #3
Well you should check the laws in your country, I think it’s 50 years in most countries.
Answer #4
If you priint it out for yourself, no one’s gonna ~ censored ~ about it.
If you print the restored piccy out for sale, then you need to find the original copyright holder.. or at least amke attempts to find – if you can prove you *tried* to find them, then you’ll be ok.
Answer #5
i think digitalisation of them is not allowed..


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