Communcations problems. Need some help – company related

August 5th, 2016

Ok, so this is the basic situation that’s happening at a friend’s company. I don’t know much about computers but my friend asked for some help anyway. I took out some names and specific details, but all in all I just want some general advice to combat problems that my friends are currently experiencing.
Micro$oft is a medium sized company who recently converted their 3 P2P Networks to one client server network. The company is located on 1 site – a light industrial park with OFFICE 1, 100m away from OFFICE 2 AND 3. OFFICE 1 is leased as a result of a need for expansion and contains 7 computers, 3 networked laser printers, file, web and mail server and the company’s ADSL internet connection. OFFICE 2 – on the first floor of the original building contains 15 workstations, 3 networked laser printers, dial up 56k modem, and a file server. OFFICE 3 is upstairs from OFFICE 2 and is a result of the first need for expansion. OFFICE 3 currently contains mainly storage space now along with 2 sales consultant’s offices which have a workstation and laser printer. To save costs, all workstations and printers in the offices were connected with UTP cable and network hubs. All users were given full access privileges to all servers.
Workstations have experienced deleted files and applications
Employees breach copyright by installing software they purchased for home
Sometimes, when an employee prints a file, they have to look for and find it in another office. Wasting time
Unauthorised people have managed to access unauthorised data.
Employees in OFFICES 2 AND 3 experience intermittent faults – sometimes they can’t logon, internet is slow, and transfer data to office A for printing or storage is slow, prone to failure or stored files have chunks of missing data.
There are problems connecting to mail servers and downloading emails.

Please, its a long read but help me out on this. I hope someone with experience can give me a little advice on what to do.

Answer #1
Bump? Please I really need some help.
Answer #2
This problem is huge,first you friend have big problem with machines and with employees.
Employees have big freedom to do what they want and that is bad,he has to be more strict to them if he don’t want to go in jail :-/ Organization of files are bad,security of important data is bad.
We cant help you from here,there is BIG problem and need time.
Can you give more info of hardware and software they are using,i have experience in this but i cant help you online.
Workstation cant delete files and applications itself,or somebody delete that or they have a virus.
He will need some programs to protect data.
What is transfer rate of internet?
Also operating systems on other computers in offices are in bad condition.
Where you from?


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