Command Prompt Help

January 30th, 2020

Hey guys
Ive been trying to install a rip of a game recently but I cannot get it to work.
It has been suggested to me that the problem is in that the batch file used to install the rip. Apparently Vista’s UAC no matter what stops a crucial reg file or something. So anyway I have been trying to use an administrator CMD window. But when I use the command: Start Example.bat it opens the batch file in a new window. Is there anyway I can run this batch file in the same window? So that the Batch file is definitely using admin status.
Thanks for any help.

Answer #1
Did you disable the UAC and run the setup.bat as administrator?
Answer #2
Yes I tried that and for some reason I still think vista wasn’t allowing one of the reg files…
Just hoping someone knows of a way to run a batch file In the CMD window you started it in.
Answer #3
Skulpturra, Team JPN etc some RIP releasers edition must disable UAC on Vista. Did you?
Answer #4
Yeh Ive tried that but then again trying again never hurts…
Answer #5
Did you try open setup.bat with notepad? You can click with mouse right button on setup.bat and choose edit. There is all command lines. You can easily manage them.
Answer #6
thats a good idea! Is it possible to copy paste them all into the CMD window? Will it work in the same way?
Answer #7
Yeah just copy and click mouse right button on CMD console window. There is paste function.
Answer #8
hmmmmm It didnt really work but oh well. I guess ill figure out something else Ty for the Help btw. I might post another help topic later thats more specific about the game and so forth..
Cheers You can lock this topic i guess.


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