comcast highspeed internet keeps disconecting

August 7th, 2016

this is some odd stuff. I used to have this problem at beginning. I have modem not wireless plunged in. It will connect fine work fine the for some reason sites wont load. I run diagnostic check I get DNS server not avaliable. Used to have this issue like 5 months ago. I reset and flushed my dns renewit it worked flowlessly for like 5 months 30mbs p second speed. I loved it
Now for some reason I keep getting same issue. Out of the blue sites wont load I run diagnostic dns server the device thing is not enabled all sort of errors
I run win 7 x64.
whats wrong with this crap. is the problem in the cable connection to the modem? or what

Answer #1
Try changing your DNS servers to OpenDNS or GoogleDNS – it could be your ISP’s DNS servers are shite. Ask them if they have any more.
I use an app called DNS Jumper which is pretty good.
Answer #2
Try changing your DNS servers to OpenDNS or GoogleDNS - it could be your ISP's DNS servers are shite. Ask them if they have any more.
I use an app called DNS Jumper which is pretty good.
I do that manually
jet plane drawings
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew


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