Choosing a new laptop…

August 4th, 2016

Basically what I’m after is a fairly high performance laptop (about as good as it gets on a �500 budget), so it does at least need a half decent dedicated graphics cihp, although I won’t be pushing it all the time, I just want it to have that capability.
Equally as important is it’s battery life, it has to be able to last at least 3 hours on a full charge, but that’s with general usage, not necessarily pushing it with a gaming sesh for all that time.
I currently have an Asus Eee PC 900, but it’s just not doing it for me anymore, it’s just a bit too small, and they’re not really as cool as they were when I bought it!
So it will be replacing that. I would like it to look stylish, but not if that means sacrificing a lot performance to keep it within my budget range. A few clock cycles yes, but not a GB of RAM etc..
I’ve read lots of reviews already and heard some things but I’ll keep it to myself and see if anyone here suggests any of the ones I’ve already seen, as I’ve got too many to choose from and it’d be easier that way rather than loads of links you’d have to compare.
Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
I always have been a fan of the newer HP notebooks. Maybe something like this?
There are a ton of different models but the hp notebooks look great and usually have decent specs.


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