Captcha image verification; Bypass/Script/Decrypter

August 8th, 2016

Does anyone know how I can bypass image verification codes on websites? Are there maybe any (perl) scripts that do that?
Thanks in advance,

Answer #1
Please do not double post. Use the edit button instead! -XXPAIGEXX
Answer #2
I don’t think so…
EDIT : Maybe you could make one but that would be way too hard , also what do you need it for?
Answer #3
I need it for a game website
Answer #4
I don’t know about this website but maybe you could try it .
Answer #5
Nah that’s just people that do it for you.
Answer #6
Anyone ever tested this? don't double-post, use the edit button instead. Members are allowed to double or triple post only if their previous post has exceeded the maximum characters limit.
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Answer #7
Anyone ever tested this?

Looks like they are partners with Intel:
Dunno but 55 bucks… c’mon.
Answer #8
Yeah that is a lot… anyone ever made a crack or something?
Answer #9
Would that software they sell really work?
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Answer #10
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Answer #11
It’s just OCR.
The script probably won’t work since dev’s will probably purchase it, and add a stronger algo.
Answer #12
FineReader works pretty well
Answer #13 by any chance?
Answer #14
Has anyone found a solution to this? I found a software that cost a little bit of money but it gets the job done. It is a google chrome extention and firefox extention called rumola, but it is a browser based captcha solver. Im looking for a on screen captcha solver. If anyone knows i would appreciate it if you reveal


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