Can i use sata ssd on sata iii motherboard?

June 1st, 2014

Hello I just ordered a computer, it has a sata iii motherboard and my brother just ordered an ssd card because it was 70 instead of $130. But I just noticed that it is sata… Is there like any cable or converter that I can use?
Thank you…..

Answer #1
SATA3 is reverse compatible with SATA1 and 2 devices
Answer #2
Thank you and I love you signature btw… True wisdom right there
Answer #3
Your mobo should have sata 2 and maybe 2 ports sata 3, very few board have all sata3 ports. Like froggy said most all are forward and back ward compatible.
That is, a sata 3 HDD will work on a sata2 port and a sata 2 HDD will work on a sata 3 port.
Answer #4
SSDs are fast , so they should appreciate a sata 3 port
Answer #5
Nel replied: SSDs are fast , so they should appreciate a sata 3 port
Not when the mobo has garbage Marvell 88se91xx controller, there is no giant leap of speed between the marvell sata 3 and the Ich10r intel sata 2. The marvell runs on a pci bus and can NOT NOT achieve a 600mb read write on one port.


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